Two weeks in Redmond

28 Oct 2018

The last two weeks have been pretty intense. Getting back from Germany. Finishing up packing my stuff in Colorado. Flying to Seattle. For one night. Then flying to San Francisco for two days of new hire orientation for a new job. The training was in Menlo Park. Last time I was down there was almost 15 years ago. It was weird. I don’t remember my previous trip well enough to tell whether things have changed much. But it is definitely a weird place now. I unlocked the skill to use uber. So that’s good.

And as soon as I got back to Redmond I started my new job for real.

Every day has been packed with so many new things to learn. It’s been a blast. Each day goes by very fast but now, looking back on the last couple of weeks, they seem like months to me.

Here are a few things I learned