Setting up travis continuous integration testing for a guile project

16 Feb 2016

The mechanics of installing modules and libraries is often one of the biggest hurdles I struggle with when learning a new programming language. For me, the fastest way to understand the ins and outs of library installation and management is to set up a continuous integration project using travis. This way I’m forced to spell out in detail the steps needed to install a library. And there is a clear definition of what it means for the library to be installed successfully.

So to figure out how to install packages in guile I picked the zeromq bindings as a test piece. The zeromq bindings where originally developed by Andy Wingo. The links at are dead but you can find his version of the bindings at Andy’s zeromq bindings target the zeromq API version 2 and older. However, my goal was to target newer versions of the zeromq API. Surely others have run into this issue so I kept looking and found a fork by Kjell Andreassen that upgraded the bindings to the version 3 API. My test repo is based off of Kjell’s code.

In this post I describe the steps needed to set up continuous integration for guile-zeromq-3. You can find the code in this github repo. Hopefully this example can serve as a more generally useful recipe for other guile packages as well.

Using the containerized infrastructure

When setting up travis configurations I usually try very hard to avoid sudo. This has several benefits. First of all, it allows me to use travis’ containerized testing infrastructure. With the containerized infrastructure your test jobs start up faster because it’s more efficient to spin up a container than a whole virtual machine instance. And once your test jobs have started you get an additional speed advantage because travis provides you with more virtual cores when you’re using the containerized infrastructure. There is yet another benefit: The containerized infrastructure allows you to cache build artifacts. With the legacy, non-containerized test instances you have to pay for caching.

There is also a purely pedagogical benefit. I find that I understand the build and installation process more thoroughly if I don’t spray all over my system files with sudo this and sudo that, hoping that things get installed in the right default locations.

Installing guile 2.0 on travis

The first thing needed to test a guile project is, rather unimaginatively, guile itself. The zeromq bindings require at least version 2.0. For the purposes of this project I chose to build guile from source. It’s quite likely that there is a binary package that could be used but I didn’t research that option.

To build guile from source we need a number of prerequisites. We use travis’ declarative syntax to specify the apt packages:

    - libgmp-dev
    - libunistring-dev
    - libgc-dev
    - texinfo
    - libzmq-dev
    - lcov

Strictly speaking, only the first four packages (libgmp-dev, libunistring-dev, libgc-dev, and texinfo) are needed to build guile itself. The zeromq library (libzmq-dev) is obviously needed since we’re trying to build the zeromq bindings. And we need lcov to measure the tests code coverage.

Once the dependencies are installed we’re able to build guile. For that I’m using the following script:


if [ -f guile/bin/guile ]; then
  echo "guile found -- nothing to build."
  if [ -f guile-2.0.11/libguile.h ]; then
    echo "guile sources found -- don't need to download"
    echo "Downloading guile source."
    tar xf guile-2.0.11.tar.gz
    rm guile-2.0.11.tar.gz
  echo "configuring and building guile."
  cd guile-2.0.11
  ./configure \
  make -j4
  make install
  cd -

This script first checks if guile has already been built. If the guile executable is found the script skips to the end. If the guile executable isn’t found we download the source (if necessary), configure, build, and install. I cache the guile installation and source directories:

  - guile
  - guile-2.0.11

Building guile on the travis instances takes about 18 minutes, well short of the one hour time limit for test jobs. But after guile has been built and cached subsequent test runs complete in about a minute!

Building the zermoq bindings

I configure, build, install, and test the zeromq bindings right from the .travis.yml file:

  - ./
  - CFLAGS="-fprofile-arcs -ftest-coverage" LDFLAGS="-lgcov" ./configure --prefix=`pwd`/guile
  - make
  - make install
  - guile -e main examples/hello-srv.scm &
  - guile -e main examples/hello-client.scm

Down the road it may be nice to wrap some of these steps into separate scripts. The first line generates the configure script. The in Kjell’s repo didn’t work for me. So I replaced it with a fresh copy from Later I discovered that Andy has fixed this differently with this patch.

I added a few compiler and linker flags to the configure line to get test coverage data. It took me a while to figure out the --prefix. It wasn’t clear to me whether this needed to point to guile’s site packages directory or the extensions directory or what. Turns out you just point it to the top level of the guile installation. I think it would be nice if the configure script were written in such a way that the site packages directory and extensions directories are determined automatically based on the guile installation for which we’re configuring. That’s similar to how setuptools work in python. Using guile-config it should be rather easy to implement this. Unfortunately I don’t know much about autotools …

Once the bindings are built and installed we run the example provided in the repo as a test that everything is working.

Test coverage

Usually it’s really helpful to measure and report test coverage. To do that we instrument the C code using gcov using the flags shown on the configure line above. When the code is exercised by the tests the number of times each line of source code is executed is recorded. That coverage data is then processed using the lcov program and posted to the service. presents the coverage data in an easy to navigate and interpret form.

The test setup is not perfect. For example we’re not capturing the coverage of the scheme code. I’m not sure if there is a good way to accomplish this. If someone knows how to do that, please let me know. The gcov instrumentation also gets a bit confused by the generated file guile-zmq.x.


I’m mostly happy with the setup of the test project. I certainly have a better idea of how to install packages with guile.

There are some loose ends. On one local machine I keep getting the following error message:

scheme@(guile-user)> ,use (zmq)
While executing meta-command:
ERROR: In procedure dynamic-link: file: "/scr/dmeiser/g2/lib/guile/2.0/extensions/libguile-zmq", message: "file not found"

But the shared library is there (with world readable and executable permissions):

$ ls /scr/dmeiser/g2/lib/guile/2.0/extensions/

On my other laptop things work just fine. Does anybody know how to debug this?