In hind sight I should not have been surprised: testing MPI projects with travis is super easy! This post gives a walk through of a minimal template that illustrates the process.
Installation of MPICH
In order to test MPI code, we need an MPI library. OpenMPI or MPICH are the obvious choices. Here we’ll be using MPICH.
We could use the packages that come with the Linux distribution on the travis instances but for a number of reasons I prefer building MPICH from source. For one thing it gives us complete control over the MPICH configuration. This way we can more easily and more accurately replicate our local development environment on the test instances. To build MPICH we use the following script:
if [ -f mpich/lib/ ]; then
echo " found -- nothing to build."
echo "Downloading mpich source."
tar xfz mpich-3.2.tar.gz
rm mpich-3.2.tar.gz
echo "configuring and building mpich."
cd mpich-3.2
./configure \
--prefix=`pwd`/../mpich \
--enable-static=false \
--enable-alloca=true \
--disable-long-double \
--enable-threads=single \
--enable-fortran=no \
--enable-fast=all \
--enable-g=none \
make -j4
make install
cd -
rm -rf mpich-3.2
The script first checks if we already have
. If
that is the case, we are done and the rest of the script is
skipped. The script is idem-potent: calling the script a second
time yields the same state of the mpich installation. Only the
first execution of the script does any real work.
If we don’t find
we have to do the actual work
involved in obtaining MPICH. We download the source tarball,
extract it, configure, build, install, and clean up. This takes
about 4 minutes on the travis test instances.
Building and running the tests
To run the tests we use the following .travis.yml
sudo: false
language: c
- mpich
- sh ./
- make test
- ./mpich/bin/mpirun -np 4 ./test
The first line disables sudo
for the test run. This is
important because it allows us to use the container
infrastructure on travis. The containerized instances are faster
than the regular ones and, more importantly in this case, have
access to caching of build artifacts. On the non-containerized
infrastructure you have to pay to be able to use caching. We
cache the mpich
directory which is where we install MPICH with
script from above. Once the MPICH
installation is cached the
finishes nearly
instantaneously on subsequent test runs. For this template, an
entire test run finishes in less than ten seconds.
The actual test script is then super simple. We build the
executable and run it with the desired number of processes
using MPICH’s mpirun
. Of course you need to tell the compiler
where to find the MPI headers and library. In our case we do
this using a handwritten gnu Makefile
LDFLAGS+=-L./mpich/lib -Wl,-rpath,./mpich/lib
For completeness, here is the source of the test.c
#include <mpi.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <stdio.h>
int main(int argn, char **argv)
int status;
int myRank;
status = MPI_Init(&argn, &argv);
assert(status == MPI_SUCCESS);
status = MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &myRank);
assert(status == MPI_SUCCESS);
printf("Hello from rank %d\n", myRank);
status = MPI_Finalize();
assert(status == MPI_SUCCESS);
return 0;
Where to go from here
This approach can be refined in a number of ways. In a real project you’ll want to interface with your configuration system (e.g. cmake) and your tests will have to be hooked into your test harness. You could also imagine testing on several different MPICH versions and with OpenMPI. You can do that using the travis test matrix using environment variables to control which MPI is built and used.